Monday, September 21, 2015

This week

Monday: We reviewed one last time before the test
Hw: answers

Tuesday: Test

Wednesday: Diagnostic study island test
Hw: sixes paper due tomorrow

Thursday: Quiz over the multiplication facts 6x1 through 6x 11
Begin talking about powers of 10
Friday Continue talking about powers of 10

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

This week at a glance and homework answers

This week we will be talking about rounding decimals to any place
Monday- Finish up last weeks comparing decimals stations
Hw: test review due WednesdayAnswers Answers ( sorry if it is sideways I am still trying to figure out how to do this with google drive
Tuesday: We had an introduction to rounding, we took notes in our notebook
Hw: finish worksheet from above

Wednesday: Rounding around the room activity
Hw: none

Thursday: Rounding around the room and start task cards
Hw: rounding worksheet. Get agenda signed if not done already

Friday: Finish up task cards, study island assignment

Up coming dates:  Test Tuesday over place value, rounding, and comparing
Soon I will start quizzing over math facts

Thursday, September 10, 2015

comparing decimals day two

Here are the answers to homework: answers

2 grades tomorrow: 1 on a study island assignment and 1 on the lobster program.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

comparing decimals

Today we talked about comparing decimals. Two key points to remember:
1.  Match up the numbers by their place value
 Example: 0.302____0.301   The number matches with the tenths, hundredths. In the thousandths is where the numbers do not match
2. You can add zeros to a number to make it match digits
Example .5 ______.57 can look like  .50 _____.57

Here is the answers to homework:
comparing decimals

Monday, September 7, 2015

week at a glance September 7th

This week we will focus on Comparing Decimals
Monday: No school :)
Tuesday: We will finish our benchmark and start working on comparing decimals. Homework will be to practice math facts for 15 minutes
Wednesday- Comparing Decimal stations Homework will be a worksheet
Thursday- We will play decimal war and work on word problems Homework will be word problems
Friday- math facts check, wrap up anything we haven't finished for the the week, and then complete study island for a grade.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Place value

Today we really starting to dig into 5th grade math.
We talked about Place value, we working on saying number to the thousandths place and writing numbers in expanded form.
Here is the place value chart from your notebook:
place value chart
Here is help with expanded formexpanded form

Answers to homework: